whaddup blog stalkers?
i say this because in the last two months over 1000 more people have viewed my blog and not one of you have commented either to my face or via comment section.
its cool, internet shyness is not to be messed with.
so going on the assumption that no one really cares whats going on in my life, here's some random shiz about stuff going on in my life!
first update: im in college!! its a good feeling. but the newness is starting to wear off and the work load is starting to wear on. sooooo, im kind of over it.
next update: my summer was full of so many things. boys. adventure. but most of all? goodbyes. ive had way too many goodbyes for my wee little soul to handle. one was for two years, others were probably forever. which brings me to my next update.
next update: BOYS SUCK!!!!! i am seriously done with their lack of romanticism and their overall ickiness. please, male species, show yourself to the metaphorical door.
final update: im doing a lot better than i was. but i guess you guys wouldnt know how i "was" doing....*whispers* i wasnt doing very good. but i am now! sorta...
no more updates..
now for the "things"!
just kidding.