Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gather 'round, children.

i have not had story time on this blog in many moons so here we go: (best if read like a random unfunny teacher or something relating a "had-to-be-there" moment, hoping to communicate it hilariousity but probably failing)

 one day in a class called "history of american popular music" at B.C, a young blonde white girl walked into class and sat in the front row. also it that row, and most other places in the room, sat a large gangster looking black guy who looked like he just stepped out of a really scary 90's rap video. this particular day, the young girl's eye decided that it wanted to twitch..a lot. annoyed with the uncooth way in which her eye was behaving, she tried to alleviate the embarassment by moving her head a lot so no one would notice. this method proved wrong in many ways.... three things happened almost simultaneously: she turned her head to the right, her eyes locked with Mr. Gangster man ...and her eye twitched. now for those of you familar with eye twitching know that it usually resembles winking. actually it ALWAYS resembles winking. and this case was no exception.

Mr. gangster decided that she had winked at him, and needless to say he was freaked out.

but then he looked closer.....

and every day since, she sees him looking back at her.....

and thats how i (yes, young white chick was me) make friends/ creepy admirers in college.