Tuesday, December 13, 2011

remedies: a story about taking things into my own hands.

soooo for those of you who dont know, today i woke up really concerned about my well-being. why? ohhh just cause i was so sick that i was basically choking on my own tongue. which...is not very attractive. but.. you know how i get with sickness, everyone...

...reallly dramatic. but today...today was different.

i went through the normal stages of jenna sickness: shock upon awakening. followed by dismay. then came denial. then severe depression and anger. finally hopelessness and thoughts of death. but today i experienced a new stage. and i call it, "taking matters into my own hands."
so i decided that sickness was not gonna get the best of me. life is already not fair. why should we have to get sick whenever sickness just randomly feels like inflicting itself?

so i started out by taking a bunch of cold medicine and pain killers. which is what everyone does anyway.  but it wasnt working and i grew suuuuuper impatient.  i googled "home remedies for throte sickness" (and no, im not proud of the way i spelled "throat") and i came up with some things. and i tried ALL OF THEM.
so i grabbed my honey and lemons and all the other nasty things google told me to get and i set out for success. i felt super ridiciously awesome. like this:

but i was more along the lines of this:

here is what happened...

-a sickening concotion of ginger and water. (i didnt have ginger so i used cinammon cause it seemed like a good idea at the time.)
-another slightly less disgusting mix of lemon juice, honey and hot water.
- hot apple cider (totally not gross at all.)   :)
-boil water and stick your head by the steam.
-massage your throat. (awkward.)
-eat a lot of honey.
-drink a lot of water.
-put hot things by your neck.... i dont even know.

by the end of the stage i was going slightly out of my mind. there was honey everywhere and the steam from the boiling water idea made my face sweaty and my hair frizz. imagine my mothers concern when she found this:

but there is good news. kind of. because im kind of feeling better. a little. and i think everyone will be ok. hopefully.

im still sick though. in case you were wondering.

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