Friday, November 2, 2012

Its sad cause its true.

So bascially i get free soda at work, and i down that shiz like none other. Which puts me into a caffeine-induced haze and i dont actually get tired until ridiculous hours of the early morning. :(
but as i innocently did everything in the world besides sleep last night, i thought, "hey, jenna. its ok. just sleep in tomorrow! surely 4 nights of unhealthy amounts of insomnia will catch up with you, and your body will lead you into a glorious sleep-coma."


HA. no such luck. i woke up at 6:30. apparently my brain had a lot of random and irrelevant things it needed to think about... on top of that, my sweet parents came in to say goodbye for the weekend and also to inform me that the power has been out all night so it'll be dark till the suns gets up. pretty normal news i guess. except my lack of sleep caused me to frantically lose all sense of rational thought. and i heard the following: " We're leaving you for a couple days... and you have no friends so you'll be home alone forever. have fun. also, the power is gone because the person thats lurking in the house has impeccable planning skills and he's probably going to kill you pretty soon after we leave. also, your birth was an accident. k bye."

For those of you who know me, know that I have a very complicated relationship with being home alone.
for a few hours? no problem. i love it. it gives me time to do weird jenna stuff like paint my nails and have wicked cool dance parties.
but 2 days? notsomuch.
especially because i have always been and will always be a giant pansy. and if my brain knows ill be alone for more than 5 hours, everything becomes a scene from a horror movie. and im constantly using my ficticious add-ons to create gruesome and gory possiblities for my inevitable demise.

                             normal humans see:



                                 jenna sees:

                           what normal humans do when theyre home alone:

what jenna does when shes home alone:

So bascially im over being here and doing nothing but pondering death and wanting sleep. i think ill be productive and run errands like a sexy-sophisticated grown-up. (see Blog from a year ago that i think is hilarious called: The day i decided to be a grown up)

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