Saturday, February 26, 2011

get down with the sickness.


ahaha. mono? me? nawwww. i gots the virgin lips.
but i did get tested for it. and if we're being honest... i think id rather have mono than a cold. it makes me sound more hardcore.
so last night i tasted death. no, not some awkward inuendo, i really did think that i was gonna die. i had like those types of daydreams when you take the current situation and add onto it until it evolves into something that could never ever happen. (vicadin screws with your head) this is how mine went:

im laying on the couch, almost unconscious as my dad feels my head and announces that im burning up. (here comes the ficticious add ons) he calls the ambulance. i black out until the extremely attractive medics roll me out into the night. i see the faces of my neighbors. the henrie family with tear stained cheeks. yes, allllll of them. then i wake up in the hospital 2 days later. surrounded by flowers and cards and crap. good times. tons of people had been there... somehow upon waking up i look extremely attractive and smootch comes in. he too, extremely attractive. he comes in with flowers and...and thats pretty much when i decided i shouldnt get my hopes up.

but i am feeling better today, i got some magic pills that make me coherent again. yay. and anyways i am currently in my parents room waiting for someone hot to txt me and watching new moon. my life.

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