Thursday, August 8, 2013

Employment Enjoyment.

I've been jobless for 2 hours and I already don't have anything better to do.

Those of you who don't know, I have been employed by a local diner for about a year now. The beginning days were enjoyable- serving the local senior citizens, getting free diet coke, and growing accustomed to my coworkers. I knew my personality fit there perfectly from day one. and i honestly could say that i loved my job.

But as every good thing, the enjoyment wore off. This is not the first time ive experienced this decline. I call it "the death of employment enjoyment"

The death of employment enjoyment

stage one: Spoiled.

Stage one occurs when you've gotten used to the pros of your job. Free drinks, reasonable hours, overall pretty nice people, whatever the case. you get almost spoiled in that you don't even really notice or appreciate the cool stuff anymore. like a kid who's new toy just doesn't provide the same level of entertainment. but its not like your job sucks and you clock out with an overall good attitude.

Stage two: Suck.  

This most often occurs  after the first bad day or frustrating event. Or maybe even after several consecutive sucky days. Anyways the point is the attitude shift.  For me, this was the stage in which my coworker(s) were the problem. working with middle aged, smoke infested, ex druggies baby mommas with nothing else to do but work.  I started to get so sick of their bossy attitudes, taking their sucky tips out on me, and even accusing me of stealing their oh-so- sucky tips! That is literally just the cliff note version of it. (at my other job, waitressing at a senior citizen facility, this stage was when my residents started dying... that'll definitely put a damper on the day) But, There are still tolerable characteristics about working there, and by now you know your way around the place so it'd be even more frustrating to leave. but you dread going, you watch the clock, and you zombie your way through the day.

Stage three:

this is me. right now. and for the last like 3 months. oh holy crap this is a miserable stage. The things that anger me about my job literally have kept me up at night. i come home angry and stressed. How i wish i could sell out a terrible horrible person for all the crazy mean hypocritical things they do. like successfully cutting my hours in half even though she has no authority over me, or getting the boss/owner to dislike me cause GUESS WHAT? theyre friends. every single day was a constant battle to think of ways to not punch people in the face. And whispering comebacks to her under my breath and rude gestures behind her back. but not to her face cause she'd tattle like a 50 yr old child.  and day dreaming about the last day, that you will finally leave with a bang. Make your mark. release the bottled emotion on your boss.

Shameful exit.

time ticks. Clock out. Tell your favorite customers goodbye. Fake a smile to the devil. and leave quietly. yeah things never work out the way your imaginary self plans them to. no revenge. no justice.

to say im disappointed in myself is only half true. Cause its not reaaalllly me to yell at someone or try to get them fired. even if they deserve it. but it is me to stand up for myself. even if im the only one who knows it...

so i stole some crackers.


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