Thursday, March 17, 2011

slap bracelets, field hockey, and vegetarians.

ill be honest. the title of this post has little or no significance to the topic. i just wanted to capture people's attention.

i was just thinking about the most breath-takingly pointless things in life and BAM. slap bracelets, field hockey and vegetarianism. what. up.
slap bracelets: has anything good in life ever been prefaced by the word slap? no. to apply, you slap yourself. how is that a good idea? 
field hockey: everything is hotter on ice. (hehe)
vegetarians: meat is for the belly. boom. proven by scriptural fact based logic. :)
pointless things...hmmm...
how bout being born in the 95? the unjoys of being 15. i could go on. lets just say, were it not for the legal complications, i'd consider burning my birth certificate to a firey crisp. in my head i imagine me marching down to the hospital, kicking open the swinging doors (ive always wanted to do that) and making a grand quest to find the file of birth where i would demand, at intimidating water gunpoint, that the receptionist (someone intense like matt damon or john stamos) help me find my stupid certificate of birth. once john or matt, totally captivated by my own intensity, hands me the document, i would proceed to destroy it in like 9 different ways. then magically i'd be 16. cause thats just the logical occurance in jenna fantasy world. :)

being 15 tortures my little soul daily. it is the sole reason i am so restricted. i hate being restricted. i hate things with the word "strict" in them. like boa conSTRICTer. or, "jenna you suck at life so consider yourself officially on reSTRICTion." its just not a very peachy root word.
take notes: when my sweet, sweet liberation day comes and i am finally 16, i want a huge amazing cake with 16 obnoxiously large candles on it.
what am i gonna name this blog when im 16? honestly its been really concerning me. :( i want to name it something that will make people look at their lives differently. make them quit smoking? maybe shed a tear or two..who knows? but really.
subject change. lets talk about me. more specifically and entertaining, my eye.
yes, for the past like 8 weeks my left eye has being spazzing out for no apparent reason. this, obviously, concerned me greatly. people are starting to notice, and quite literally, laugh at my face. :( i then decided that i do NOT want to die from uncertain public humiliation and eye twitching sooo i just did some research. apparently lots of humans take eye twitching intensely serious. which is super entertaining to me. :) i typed in "chronic eye twitching death syndromes" on my handy dandy google tab... the following is my own trusty synopsis of what i read on the oddly plentiful eye twitching sites:
i could die.. :(
im being a big baby and i should just calm it down cause my eye is just doing its thing.
i could have minor brain damage, epolepsy or i could be skitzo. hmmm....
caused by: staring at a computer screen for too long... O.o and/ or excessive doses of caffeine. hehe :)
the cure?? "botox injections." haha alrighty then. botox at 15. me and my mom can get mommy/daughter botox sessions. hello, girls night :)
there is an online support group from others suffering from eye twitching complications...yuussss! FINALLY!
imagine my confusion. google is super contridictating.
but my answer came from... a blog. :) this homeboy is a very bored teenager that decided it would be a good idea to name his blog "blog from another demention" really, dude? i do not know what posessed me to click on that. but i did. and it comforted me greatly. because i kid you not, according to Luis, "eye twitching is hawt." thank you, luis.

wish me luck on being 15.9 and dying from eye twitching issues.

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